Online petition organized by a Community member, outlining reasons for opposition at:
What is being proposed?
Local developer (Frontdoor Developments Inc.) has put forth a proposal to build a 9-storey high-rise residential condo at 4700 Bathurst in the southwest corner of Bathurst Street and Carscadden Drive. They significantly violate the building height restrictions in force and in order to proceed with the project have therefore requested to increase the zone’s current 3-storey height limit three-fold, to allow them to build up to 9-storey.
Cause for Concern
As residents of the Westminster-Branson community, we strongly object to this proposed development at 4700 Bathurst and strongly object to the overall negative impact that this proposal will have on our rich heritage community. The negatives far outweigh the positives and there is no doubt that a development such as this is deeply disturbing and troubling.
We ask that the City reject this project and maintain the integrity of the existing lot (maximum building height of 11.5m).
Significant concerns with a high-rise development at this location include:
• Significant conflict with the location’s current By-Law (from 11.5m in height to 29.5m in height).
• The location, which is outside of any designated ‘Urban Growth Centre’ areas.
• 9-storey towers (or any high-rise development) would be completely out of character with nearby 1 to 3-storey buildings.
• Traffic and parking congestions, which will worsen an already significantly busy Bathurst Street.
• Endangering children’s safety on quiet local residential streets due to increased cut-through traffic (playground at Ellerslie and Bathurst).
• Putting pedestrian safety at risk due to a narrow sidewalk too close to the road because of insufficient setbacks.
• Additional strain on existing municipal and regional infrastructure i.e. sewerage and water.
• Increased levels of noise and pollution.
• Shadowing that will impact most all local residences beyond accepted standards. The developer’s “shadow study” shows multiple local residences losing sunlight for several hours during day.
• Loss of several trees and “green space”.
• Setting precedence all along the east and west sides of Bathurst Street between Carscadden / Ellerslie and Sheppard (park areas). The playground at Ellerslie and Bathurst could be “next”.
Take Action
The North York City Council must consider the detrimental environmental impacts of the proposed development in our community, as well as those concerns listed above. Regulations need to be put in place, so that future developments to consider our history, vitality and our environment in order to provide a sustainable future.
What can you do to help?
The proposal is new and there is time to get our community voices heard by the City and the project stakeholders.
1. Have your say
Please sign the petition and share the link with your friends and families. Don’t forget to add a comment with your reasoning. Use #Stop4700Bathurst on your social media posts to spread the word and show that we are taking note of what is happening in our community. Please note: All comments on the petition will be sent to the responsible City Council Staff for inclusion in its final report to the City Council.
2. Say it loud
If you are against the proposed project, send your letters to the City Councillor and Planner responsible for the proposal. Your voice is powerful. Their emails are listed below.
3. Rally together
Involve your neighbours, local community groups, schools and businesses. Together we can help protect our community and our climate.
Let’s Speak Up, Together! It’s now or never!
Whether you grew up in Westminster-Branson or call North York home, having your say on the following development proposal will help shape our neighbourhood for future generations. This is not a done deal. We have a chance to stop this amendment. But your voice needs to be heard. Let’s make our voices heard at the public meetings with this petition to show that the residents of Toronto can stop developments in their neighbourhoods that are not wanted.
It’s your community, so let’s speak up and protect it.
Thank you kindly for your time and consideration.